only 8% can boast of this
- Energy
- Passion
- Self-Regulation
- Mindfulness
Self-regulation is the main source of your confidence and sexual experience.
At some point, you must’ve set aside your previous adventures as they did not fit well with your work and other important life priorities.
However, in your current relationship, you have retained everything you need to have fun. The memory of past exploits is still fresh and it is quite enough for your pride and self-confidence.
You are content with yourself and manage to find time for sex, although you admit that the variety of erotic experiences has narrowed lately.
Your resource distribution chart
Your energy level
Your sexuality level
Your self-regulation level
Your mindfulness level

Meet your primary strength

You rejoice when you are admired and considered an extraordinary person. You realize that you deserve such an attitude and take the attention of the opposite sex for granted, especially if it comes from those partners you consider attractive. You know how to use flirting not only for establishing sexual ties but also for creating social and professional connections. However, you are aware that this lifestyle has its shadow side. Sometimes at the most inopportune moment, you can feel a sudden loss of energy, which can dishearten you and astound others. After all, they see you as a leader, an instigator of events, and a successful partner. But you keep this secret close to your chest, carefully guarding your status and reputation, which are partly determined by your sexual success.
If you stick with the rhythm and lifestyle that best suits you, you regularly feel the influx of vitality and arousal and you take it as something joyful and inspiring. If you wish and the circumstances allow, you can boldly succumb to it. Alternatively, if the circumstances or your other priorities so require, you are also able to restrain your immediate impulses. You know your erotic scenario almost by heart and successfully play it out, deriving maximum pleasure with a regular or semi-regular partner. Also, for you, masturbation is quite a pleasurable experience, essentially equal to that that involves a partner. Trust in your body and sexual impulse, combined with a certain amount of thoughtfulness and generosity in sex, sets you apart from those around you.
Sometimes you judge yourself for your sexual openness and feeling guilty, but you quickly come to terms with these feelings thanks to the opinions of others or your inner critic. Don’t be too hard on yourself; don’t believe in your “depravity.” Keep enjoying life in your own unique way!

You will be content with very little… As long as it's the best there is

Your sexual style is linked to and, to a certain degree, is defined by your social standing. You are turned on not just by your partners’ looks or personality but also by their position in society.
Your attraction is tied to business success, wealth, family, education, and ability to manage and influence the world. Social status is your aphrodisiac! You are attracted to partners who have tangible and intangible assets, professional skills, and valuable things.
To interest you, a partner must be creating or changing something. You appreciate action, talent, and influence in various fields, whether it be art, science, sports, or volunteering. You are curious about your partner’s opinions on various topics, including sex. You do not tolerate boredom, monotony, and passivity – to you, they are indicators of foolishness.

The influence of social status

Your sexual style is linked to and, to a certain degree, is defined by your social standing. You are turned on not just by your partners’ looks or personality but also by their position in society.
Your attraction is tied to business success, wealth, family, education, and ability to manage and influence the world. Social status is your aphrodisiac! You are attracted to partners who have tangible and intangible assets, professional skills, and valuable things. To interest you, a partner must be creating or changing something. You appreciate action, talent, and influence in various fields, whether it be art, science, sports, or volunteering.
You are curious about your partner’s opinions on various topics, including sex. You do not tolerate boredom, monotony, and passivity – to you, they are indicators of foolishness.

When a ship springs a leak, it's time for a safe harbor

Although you have mastered the art of making the right decisions for yourself based on what you really want, from time to time, you may find yourself not having enough energy and time to bring your plans to fruition, especially on the sexual front.
On the one hand, your work tasks involve a high level of responsibility, which is exciting to you in its own way. Moreover, your professional context brings in new acquaintances and provides the opportunity to test potential partners, at least mentally! This drives you to frenzied activity full of temptations, but it is also full of routine. That’s why sometimes you almost unconsciously ignore certain tasks as you are forced to recoup some of your energy and available resources.
It is also difficult for you to complete the projects you have already started, and even a perfectly conceived erotic encounter may not go according to plan, when by the end of the evening or date, it gets hard for you to enjoy yourself – you simply run out of juice. Your desire and feeling of control over the events evaporate, and at that moment, all you really want is to lean weakly against someone’s trusty shoulder, to rely on the support of a friend or partner who will wrap everything up for you!
In fact, at such a moment, you need someone to take care of you completely, including taking care of your orgasm. Instead of realizing your brilliant leadership potential, inspiring and arousing others, you want to hide. You reproach yourself for this immaturity, this inability to live up to the expectations of lovers and close friends, believing it to be infantile.

The power of vulnerability

In search of your own brand of sexuality, you have likely tried to be more engaged and determined and are well aware of the value of strength and resolve. But nowadays, you are more interested in the initiative of your partners: you have enough discipline and patience to wait until your partner gets turned on, and once that happens, you fully support and share their desire.
You increasingly find a special joy in not forcing sexual activity but waiting for it to occur naturally in the given circumstances. Sometimes you can even allow yourself to feel like a fragile and vulnerable being ready to shed off your usual confidence and strength. You use the eroticism of surrender to expand your range of pleasure! By yielding rather than pressing forward you gain a different kind of sexual power, where your partner can lead and feel more confident and you can see what they are really capable of.
And if you are already aroused, if your body is turned on and knows what it wants, you can lead any partner into the abyss of passion. You know how to be truly desired!

Crash landing

After sexual escapades, you have a lot of regrets and self-judgment, which can affect both you and your partner. You chew over every moment of the night before and suffer from shame and guilt, trying to figure out what was right and what was wrong. When you take stock of your sex life, you may find issues with your emotions and finances.
Only fatigue can sometimes stop this endless whirlpool of thoughts in your head. You ask yourself a lot of questions: what happened? What will happen next? Should I continue, or should I stop?
Strengths parties:
- High self-confidence combined with adequate self-criticism; the experience of “being loved” and the ability to naturally perceive other people’s sexual interest towards yourself.
- The ability to feel uplifted and even aroused in a work setting, which helps achieve meaningful social goals.
- Trust in your body in matters of love, the ability to rely on your own sexual impulses and express them outwardly naturally and directly.
- Tendency towards occasional self-reproach, which creates the impression of a person with a conscience capable of acknowledging your own wrongdoings.
Vulnerable parties:
- Unwitting egocentrism, a tendency to fall into the trap of power and personal importance, where, once there, you inevitably have a blind spot with respect to the real interests and needs of others.
- Self-blame in the event of a sudden loss of energy during your sexual exploits and/or work projects;
- Devaluation of yourself in relationships with partners, often unspoken need for them to take the leading role in order to achieve orgasm or complete the projects you started.
- Your sexual reactions can put you in an uncomfortable position if you do not have time to orient yourself and cope with arousal. You may blush, blurt things out, or give yourself away in some other, even more obvious way.
- Inconsistency in assessing your own sexual behavior – from rash consent to have sex here and now to ultimate self-condemnation and recognition of your own “depravity”.

Your business activities can sometimes overshadow your romantic meetings, and this can have a negative impact on your loved ones and yourself. Don’t risk forgetting what unbridled passion, the joy of caresses, orgasm, and emotional release feel like. Also, keep in mind that your partners may have a different sexual rhythm and different desires in sex. To resolve this potential disparity, have a playful conversation and try scheduling your dates in advance, in a calm setting. If your partner does not want to openly discuss their needs, relying instead on spontaneity, or finds conversations about intimate matters unacceptable, remember that the best impromptu events tend to be well-prepared! Ask questions, share your desires – find out about their preferences in sex, how long they like their foreplay to be, their orgasms, the things that arouse them, preferred lubricants, hygiene, fantasies, etc. It will help you better plan your trysts and create pleasure for both. A conscious approach to sex is the key to success in a couple!

But let’s ask ourselves this: what do we know about our partner’s experiences when they are alone and are aroused or having an orgasm? It is good and right to talk to your partner now and then about what brings them joy or gets in the way of their climax in different situations, whether it be with us, with someone else, or alone. In sex, even with a regular partner, things shift: sexual preferences can change, and new desires may emerge. It is critical to notice these subtle changes to strengthen the bond with your partner and find even more pleasure in every situation. Together we create unforgettable moments!

This payment doesn’t have to be in cash; it can also be in time, effort, attention, and support. What in your partner’s behavior do you feel is worthy of admiration? What traits are you willing to “pay” for? Their stance, look, touch? A long foreplay or a mind-blowing orgasm?
This sexy “bookkeeping” will help you honestly assess and appreciate yourself and your partners. It will also help you make important decisions, part with “cheap” contacts, and maintain precious relationships. And it’s not just about money; it is also about how you value various manifestations, from bodily and emotional experiences to decisions, actions, and beliefs.
Learn the trick of evaluating and appreciating your own and your partner’s “investment” and enjoy yourself!

Don’t worry, you recover quickly, but taking the time to take care of the basics is crucial. Take the risk of slowing down a bit and focusing on the quality rather than the quantity of sex. You will be surprised at how your experience will become richer when you nourish your body with adequate sleep, water, nutritious food, and physical activity. Sounds boring? The choice is yours!
But these recommendations will help you when you’re feeling fatigued.
Set aside time for sleep and for the process of falling asleep; make it magical and enchanted. Morning moments of arousal also take time – put it on your calendar. Incorporate “sexual touches” into your routine, reserving special time around sleep – intimate hygiene, “self-massage,” and toys will help you relax in the evening and wake up cheerfully in the morning.
Even if you are in a relationship, keep back some time around sleep for yourself, at least occasionally – this will help you maintain your freedom and individuality. Just undressing and going to bed, getting up and dressing is not enough.

By controlling your breathing, you will stay in touch with yourself and your desires and, simultaneously, learn to control your physical and emotional states so they won’t betray you. You should accept and approve your impulses and emotional states; you should also find the right people and context for self-fulfillment. While you are looking for what you want, the sexual impulse may get lost.
This scares you, so sometimes, when you are in a rush, you find yourself in an uncomfortable position. By using breathing, you will be able to maintain arousal when in contact with a partner for a longer time and will be able to orgasm precisely when you want to.

Ideally, they will be quiet, introverted people capable of preserving your confidentiality. Ask them for a few meetings to talk about your challenges. Don’t try to solve everything in one go; just let it out, talk, and don’t forget to thank them for being there for you. Even if they don’t know how to help, you will be relieved to hear feedback based on experiences different from yours.
Sharing our experiences gives us the strength to keep moving forward. If this way of working through your problems is not enough, seek the help of a professional therapist or sexologist. Under their guidance, you will be able to discover and rewrite your limiting beliefs about yourself, your role in sex, and your relationships with partners. Working with professionals will give you the solid support you need to make major changes in other areas of your life, and sex will become a cherry on top, not a dramatic center of your life.